Some waffling

-08th September 2023-

Is this thing on?

testing testing

Hello virtual land of the living. I've made it to the green pastures, broken the chains of social media and now I get to indulge in what I wanna do: Blog in my own space

Well, I want to do more than just that here but bloggings pretty high on the list. I find most social media to not allow big and long thoughts to be spoken, as well as it feeling like a big rolling conversation that you must contribute something relevant to. It felt daunting put my thoughts down there and eventally I drifted away. From twitter the very least, but that was my last main public chatter place.

Here I hope to put down my thoughts time to time. Chat about cool events or projects in my mind. Right now, I'm focusing on putting more meat on this website's bones. Adding a ttrpg catalogue page is high on the list but maybe an inbox system too. We'll see!